Data Protection in Argentina

Transfer in Argentina

Transfers and disclosures to third parties

Personal data may only be transferred for legitimate purposes of the transferor and the transferee, and generally with the prior consent of the data subject who must be informed of the transfer’s purpose and of the transferee’s identity. This consent may be rescinded.

Consent is not required in the case of transfer of data regarding which consent was not necessary for collection. Also, it is not necessary in the case of transfer of data between state agencies, for purposes of performance of their respective activities, on in connection with health-related data, if the transfer is necessary for public health or emergency reasons, or for the performance of epidemiological studies, provided the identity of the persons to whom such data refer is reserved by means of adequate dissociation mechanism. In addition, consent is not necessary, for personal data generally, if an adequate dissociation mechanism is used in a way such that the data subjects are not identifiable.

Cross-border transfers

The cross-border transfer of personal data is prohibited to countries or international or supranational organization which do not provide adequate protection to such data, unless:

  • The data subjects expressly consents to that transfer 

  • The transfer is necessary for international judicial cooperation

  • The transfer takes place as part of certain exchanges of medical data

  • Bank or stock exchange transfers, in the context banking or stock exchange transactions

  • The transfer takes place as provided in the context of international treaties to which Argentina is a party

  • The transfer has as its purpose the international cooperation between intelligence agencies engaged in combating organized crime, terrorism and drug traffic

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