Data Protection in Laos

Data protection laws in Laos

In Laos, the comprehensive regulatory framework on data privacy focuses on data in its digital form – electronic data – and none other.

From 2012, Laos has introduced this framework by circulating relevant information only. This trend has accelerated since 2015 with the publication of the Law on Cyber Crime. Issues pertaining specifically to the protection of electronic data are regulated by the Law on Electronic Data Protection and the subsequent Instructions on the Implementation of the Law on Electronic Data Protection, as follows:

  • Law on Electronic Transactions (2022);
  • Law on Cyber Crime (2015);
  • Decision on the Penalties of the Law on Cyber Crime (2017);
  • Law on Electronic Data Protection (2017);
  • Penal Code (2017);
  • Instructions on the Implementation of the Law on Cyber Crime (2018);
  • Instructions on the Implementation of the Law on Electronic Data Protection (2018).

In addition, for both professionals or non-professionals, the authorities have provided a series of guidelines of best practices for the use of software and hardware, social media platforms, and better protection of electronic data.

The two main pieces of regulation relating to data privacy are the Law on Electronic Data Protection and the Instructions on the Implementation of the Law on Electronic Data Protection.

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