Data Protection in Bolivia
Transfer in Bolivia
Data protection laws in Bolivia
- The Political Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, in Article Nº130
Any individual or collective person who believes to be unduly or illegally prevented from knowing, objecting or obtaining the deletion or rectification of the data registered by any physical, electronic means, magnetic or computer, in public or private files or databases, or that affect their fundamental right to personal or family privacy, or in their own image, honor and reputation, may file a Private Protection Action.
- Supreme Decree No. 1391
This Supreme Decree requires obtaining the express and written consent of users for any kind of use of their personal data.
Definitions in Bolivia
There are no official definitions of personal data or sensitive personal data.
National data protection authority in Bolivia
There is no dedicated Data Protection Authority. However, certain agencies, such as telecommunications or financial regulators, touch on protection of personal data within their respective sectors.
Registration in Bolivia
There is no requirement to register databases or personal information processing activities with regulators.
Data protection officers in Bolivia
There is no mandatory requirement to appoint a formal data security officer or data protection officer.
Collection and processing in Bolivia
There is no comprehensive privacy law, which imposes mandatory requirements or obligations related to the collection and processing of personal data. However, Supreme Decree 1391 any use of personal data (including collecting and processing personal data), regarless of purpose, requires the data subject's express and written consent.
Enforcement in Bolivia
Any individual or entity who believes they have been unduly or illegally prevented from accessing, objecting to, or requesting the deletion or rectification of personal data registered via physical, electronic, magnetic, or computerized means, whether in public or private files or databases, may file a constitutional legal action known as a 'Private Protection Action'. In particular if the data at issue impacts the individual's fundamental right to personal or family privacy, or concern their image, honor, and reputation.
Electronic marketing in Bolivia
There are no specific laws addressing electronic marketing.
There are currenlty no specific requirements for the lawful transfer of personal data.