Data Protection in Cambodia

Electronic marketing in Cambodia

Since Cambodia does not have any dedicated laws on data protection, there are no special requirements when obtaining consent for marketing purposes. The E-commerce Law suggests that it is not necessary to obtain consent from the individual to send marketing communications as long as each marketing communication has clear and straightforward opt-out instructions and the individual has not previously exercised his / her opt-out right. Electronic marketing in Cambodia is subject to the general laws relating to digital marketing issues including:

  • Law on Consumer Protection, which prohibits "unfair practices" in relation to consumer transactions. Unfair practices include unfair sales; bait advertising; unfair solicitation sales; demanding or accepting payments without intention to supply goods or services per the purchase order; making a false claim or representation of some business activity; coercion by force and mental threats; pyramid schemes; selling goods bearing a false trade description; and any other unfair practices.
  • Law Concerning Marks, Tradenames and Acts of Unfair Competition, is relevant to comparative advertising. The following acts are considered acts of unfair competition: all acts that create confusion with the establishment, the goods, or the industrial, commercial or service activities of a competitor; false allegations in the course of trade of such a nature as to discredit the establishment, the goods, or the industrial, commercial or service activities of a competitor; and indications or allegations of the use of marks which, in the course of trade, misleads the public as to the nature, manufacturing process, characteristics, suitability for their purpose, or quantity of the goods.
  • Telecommunications Law, which prohibits all activities against the principles of fair, free, equal, and effective competition.
  • Other regulations on the Management of Advertisement on Website, Social Network, Mass Media and Mobile Phone Operators.

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