Data Protection in UAE - General

Breach notification in UAE - General

Article 9 of the PDPL requires that the Controller shall, immediately upon becoming aware of any infringement or breach of the Personal Data of the Data Subject that would prejudice the privacy, confidentiality and security of such data, report such infringement or breach and the results of the investigation to the Office within such period and in accordance with such procedures and conditions as set by the Executive Regulations. At the date of writing this update, the Executive Regulations have not yet been published.

Additional breach notification obligations may also apply under Article 6 of the Consumer Protection Regulation, which requires Licensed Financial Institutions to notify the CBUAE of "significant breaches" of Consumer. Licensed Financial Institutions must also notify Consumers "without undue delay" where a breach "may pose a risk to the financial and personal security of the Consumer. Licensed Financial Institutions are also liable to reimburse Consumers for actual harm suffered from a data breach.

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