Data Protection in Vietnam

National data protection authority in Vietnam

Vietnam does not have a single national data protection authority. Instead, the authority on State management of certain aspects of information and / or data protection has been given to a number of competent State authorities. To some extent, the key State competent authorities in charge of information and / or data protection would be the MPS, the Ministry of Information and Communications ("MIC") and the Vietnam Cybersecurity Emergency Response Teams / Coordination Center ("VNCERT/CC") directly managed by the Authority of Information Security ("AIS") under the MIC. Their key roles are particularly as follows:

  • The MPS, particularly the Department for Cybersecurity and High-tech Crime Prevention and Fighting ("A05"), is responsible for supervision of processing of personal data and national cybersecurity, e.g. to request cyberspace service providers to (i) store data and establish branches or representative offices in Vietnam (if applicable), (ii) provide users' information for serving investigation into cybersecurity crime. The MPS has established and is managing and operating the National Portal on personal data protection; and is tasked to assess the sufficiency of personal data protection by relevant agencies, organizations and individuals;
  • The MIC, particularly the AIS, is responsible for management of the provision of cyberspace services (e.g. social networks, online gaming, e-commerce, etc.), such as requesting cyberspace service providers to delete illegal data uploaded on their system / network; and
  • VNCERT/CC acts as the National Coordination Center for response to cybersecurity incidents and information security testing.

In addition to the above, subject to each specific industry (e.g. banking and finance; education; healthcare; natural resources and environment; culture, sports and tourism; etc.), the State management authority in charge of such industry and its IT center shall be involved in relevant information system protection.

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