Data Protection in Russia

Data protection laws in Russia

Fundamental provisions of data protection law in Russia can be found in the Russian Constitution, international treaties and specific laws.

Key legislation includes (but is not limited to):

  • Federal law No. 152 FZ of 27 July 2006, “On Personal Data” (the Data Protection Act or DPA);
  • Federal law No. 149-FZ of 14 July 2006, “On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information” (the Information Law); The Labor Code of the Russian Federation; and The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The DPA is the most comprehensive source for Russia data protection rules and contains most of the provisions setting forth most of the provisions discussed herein. The Information Law sets forth rules related to information in a broader context and the Constitution provides for even broader rights to privacy (Articles 23 and 24). The Labor Code contains specific provisions for data protection in employment relationships.

Russia is a member of the Strasbourg Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data (the Convention) (ratified by Russia in 2006).

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