Data Protection in Albania

Data protection laws in Albania

On 19 December 2024, the Parliament of the Republic of Albania passed Law No. 124/2024, titled “On Personal Data Protection” (the “Data Protection Law”) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Albania No. 9, dated 17 January 2025). This legislation aims to align Albania’s legal framework with the European Union’s standards, particularly by incorporating Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR) and Directive (EU) 2016/680, both of which address the protection of personal data in various contexts, including criminal law enforcement.

The adoption of this law marks the culmination of an extensive process, with the Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner pursuing the alignment of Albanian data protection laws with the GDPR since 2018.

The Data Protection Law establishes the rules for safeguarding individuals’ personal data and aims to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms, particularly the right to personal data protection.


The Data Protection Law applies when personal data are processed in whole or in part by automatic means, as well as to the processing of personal data which are part of a filing system or are intended to become part of a filing system where the processing is not carried out by automatic means; however, the law does not cover data processing by natural persons for purely personal or family purposes (Article 3).

Territorial Scope

The Data Protection Law shall apply:

  • in the framework of the activities of a controller or processor established in the Republic of Albania, regardless of whether the processing takes place in the Republic of Albania or not;
  • of data subjects, who are located in the Republic of Albania, by a controller who is not established in the Republic of Albania, but the processing operations relate to:
    1. the offering of goods or services, whether for payment or not, to data subjects in the Republic of Albania; or
    2. the monitoring the behaviour of data subjects, as long as such behaviour takes place in the Republic of Albania;
  • by a controller or processor, who is not established in the Republic of Albania, but in a territory where Albanian law applies on the basis of public international law (Article 4).

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