Data Protection in Egypt

Security in Egypt

The Law defines data security as the technological and organizational procedures and operations for the purpose of protecting the privacy, secrecy, safety, unity, and completeness of personal data.

The Law does not state any specific technical standards or measures. However, the Law states that the controller must adopt all technical and regulatory procedures and apply the necessary standard criteria for protecting personal data and to ensure its confidentiality, and prevent any hack, damage, alteration or manipulation through any illegitimate procedure.

Furthermore, Article (25) of the Egyptian Anti-Cybercrimes Law imposes penalties of imprisonment for a period not less than six (6) months and/or a fine not less than EGP 50,000 (fifty thousand Egyptian pounds) and not exceeding EGP 100,000 (one hundred thousand Egyptian pounds). This penalty is imposed regardless of whether the published information is correct or incorrect, on whoever violates the right to privacy, grants any personal data to a system or a website or sends densified e-mails without the data subject’s consent in order to promote goods or services or to publish information, news, pictures or the like, through the information network or by any means of information technology.

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